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. 2009 Jan;30(1):113–119. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A1305

Table 1:

Patient data

Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4 Patient 5 Patient 6
Sex M M M F F F
Parent consanguinity No No No NA No No
Family history Autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (father, paternal aunt, paternal grand- father) No significant history NA NA No neurologic or developmental disorders, mother with hypothyroidism No neurologic or developmental disorders, sister with interrupted aortic arch, 2nd cousin with VSD
Siblings Twin brother, normal Female sibling, normal NA NA NA None
Pregnancy Twin pregnancy (monozygotic with single placenta) Singleton pregnancy NA NA Singleton pregnancy Singleton pregnancy, IUGR
Antenatal Imaging US at 20 w: cerebellar hypoplasia US at 18 w: cerebellar hypoplasia; at 21w: scoliosis with 2 hemivertebrae NA NA NA NA
Delivery Elective cesarian birth at 38 w Elective cesarian birth at 37w NA Normal, delayed cry Cesarean birth for maternal hypertension at 38 w Cesarean birth for fetal distress at 34 w
Birth W/L/HC 2580 g/47 cm/33 cm 2450 g/NA/31.8 cm 2512 g/47.2 cm/31.9 cm Low weight 2850 g/NA/32.5 cm 1493 g/NA/NA
Cranial nerve involvement Bilateral V palsies, bilateral facial weakness (VII), bilateral sensorineural hearing loss (VIII) diagnosed at 18 m Partial V palsy, possible VI palsy; lower facial weakness, profound high frequency sensorineural hearing loss, VII and VIII palsies Moderate left hearing loss (VIII) Bilateral partial V palsies, bilateral VII palsies, bilateral VIII palsies Bilateral severe sensorineural hearing loss Bilateral severe sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral absence of the vestibular nerves on MRI, bilateral VII palsy, bilateral V
Ocular abnormalities Oculomotor apraxia, no nystagmus; corneal ulcers Poor visual fixing, apparent inability to close the eyes, severe corneal drying and right corneal ulcer Absent corneal sensation bilaterally, vertical nystagmus, abnormal gaze-holding, smooth pursuit, saccades, no vestibular ocular reflexes Bilateral corneal opacities Unilateral corneal abrasion leading to corneal opacity, near-absent voluntary eye movements, esotropia requiring bilateral rectus muscle recession Decreased corneal sensation, impaired smooth pursuit but otherwise normal eye movements
Swallowing Impaired Impaired Impaired Impaired Impaired Impaired
Feeding Poor, nasogastric tube followed by gastrostomy at 5 m Feeding difficulties requiring nasogastric tube Feeding difficulties NA Gastrostomy at 4 m Feeding difficulties improved with age
Cerebellar symptoms Ataxia Abnormal movements Head titubation, uncoordinated movements Ataxia Head titubation Ataxia
Pyramidal symptoms NA Hypotonia Mild motor delay Normal tone and bulk, brisk reflexes Bilateral ankle clonus Mildly increased lower extremity tone, brisk reflexes
Other neurologic or behavioral findings None Mildly dysmorphic features with low set and simple ears, a broad nasal root, a small upturned nose, hypoplastic alar nasae, a long smooth upper lip and mild retrognathia Bangs forehead on surfaces NA None Unknown
Extracranial anomalies Thoracic scoliosis, numerous hemivertebrae Vertebral segmentation anomalies on the thoracic and lumbar spine, cocked first toe with a Y-shaped configuration of the second and third toes with minimal syndactyly, horseshoe configuration of the kidneys None Erythematous maculopapular skin rash over face, trunk, and limbs None Severe narrowing of the auditory canals, membranous VSD, submucous cleft palate, bilateral inguinal hernias, obstructive sleep apnea
Global development Developmental delay noted from early infancy Failure to thrive NA NA Severe developmental delay Mild developmental delay: walks with a walker, uses many signs, some ability to read and type
EEG PSG: recurrent central apneas, hypoventilation during REM sleep Seizures with clonic upper limb movements and facial twitching at 5 w responding to phenobarbital Excessive multifocal sharp waves, without sustained epileptiform activity NA Normal NA
Blood examination Lysosomal enzymes, very-long-chain fatty acids; serum lactate and pyruvate, Transferrin isoforms and plasma amino acids, normal Total glycosaminoglycan level slightly elevated NA NA Normal transferrin, deficient glycoprotein testing, mildly elevated CK and liver transaminases Normal transferrin, deficient glycoprotein testing
CSF examination Lactate and pyruvate slightly elevated Nonspecific elevation of amino acids NA NA NA NA
Urine examination NA Organic and amino acid levels, normal NA NA Urine organic acids, plasma amino acids, normal Urine metabolic screen normal
Karyotype 46XY 46XY NA NA 46XX, normal VCFS and subtelomeric FISH testing 46XX, normal VCFS and subtelomeric FISH testing
Latest data NA Status epilepticus, hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis, coagulopathy, and decreased pain response; died at 6 m from parainfluenza pneumonia 5 months old 6 months old Died at 2 years of age from unknown cause 10 years old

Note:—NA indicates not available; w, weeks; m, months; W, weight; L, length; HC, head circumference; US, ultrasound; PSG, polysomnography; REM, rapid eye movement; VSD, ventricular septal defect; IUGR, inutero growth retardation; MRI, MR imaging; VCFS, velo-cardio facial syndrome; FISH, fluorescence in-situ hybridization; CK, creatine kinase.