Table 2. Sensitivity analysis on the effect of a 20% change in model interaction inputs on the model best-fit attributable fraction of HIV due to HSV-2 among female sex workers (FSWs).
Model input parameters (values used for best-fit simulation in parentheses, derived from Table S1 in the supplemental online appendix) |
Relative % change in attributable fraction of HIV incidence among FSW due to HSV-2 from best-fit value of 35.54% (absolute value)** | |
−20% relative change in parameter | +20% relative change in parameter | |
Cofactor for increased transmission of HIV to person symptomatically shedding HSV-2 (4.5) | −8.10% (32.66%) |
+8.10% (38.42%) |
Cofactor for increased transmission of HIV from coinfected partner symptomatically shedding HSV-2 (2.7) | −3.70% (34.22%) |
+3.70% (36.85%) |
Cofactor for increased transmission of HSV-2 from coinfected partner with high HIV viraemia (0.76) | −1.15% (35.13%) |
+1.15% (35.95%) |
Cofactor for increased symptomatic HSV-2 shedding rate in those with HIV (1.4) | −0.66% (35.30%) |
+0.66% (35.77%) |
Cofactor for increased asymptomatic HSV-2 shedding in those with HIV (2.4) | −0.24% (35.45%) |
+0.24% (35.62%) |
Cofactor for increased transmission of HSV-2 to a person with high HIV viraemia (1.7) | +0.14% (35.59%) |
−0.14% (35.49%) |
R2 value over 0.98 in the multilinear regression