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. 2014 Feb 11;5:38. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00038

Table 2.

Animal hosts for vibrio, as demonstrated by numerical enrichment and biological mechanisms supporting association.

Host References, study site Associated vibrios Enumeration method Enrichment, survival advantage Host site, mechanism of association
Acanthamoeba protozoa Abd et al., 2005, 2007, 2010; Sandström et al., 2010: in vitro V. cholerae O1, O139; V. mimicus Culture, microscopy In vitro survival advantage: replicate intracellularly >14 days Cytoplasm, cysts; protected from antibiotics and predation
Chironomid midge egg masses Broza and Halpern, 2001; Halpern et al., 2003, 2008: in vitro V. cholerae isolates from Israeli rivers and waste-stabilization ponds Culture In vitro survival advantage: 103 greater cell counts compared to growth in medium alone Gelatinous egg matrix; can use gelatinous material as sole carbon source, degrading via secreted hemagglutinin/protease
Zooplankton: cladoceran Diaphanosoma mongolianum, from alkaline lake, Germany Kirschner et al., 2011: in vitro V. cholerae non-O1/non-O139 isolate from alkaline lake, Germany Fluorescence in situ hybridization In vitro survival advantage, but not enrichment: up to 6-fold increase in growth rate of cells in surrounding medium; 105–107 cells attached compared to 106–107 cells in surrounding medium Probable use of host exudates
Estuarine and marine
Zooplankton: Estuarine copepods, espp. Acartia and Eurytemora Simidu et al., 1971: Japan; Sochard et al., 1979: Gulf of Mexico; Huq et al., 1983, 1984: in vitro; Colwell, 1996: in vitro; Mueller et al., 2007: in vitro; Preheim et al., 2011a: Massachusetts estuary, USA Vibrio spp., espp. V. cholerae Culture In situ and in vitro enrichment shown in some cases, with up to 105 cells per host. Can dominate culturable surface- and gut-attached communities Possible preference for oral region and egg sac, due to proximity to host exudates; preference for live versus dead hosts unclear
Corals, incl. Acropora hyacinthus, Oculina patagonica, Mussimilia hispida, Stylophora pistillata Koren and Rosenberg, 2006: Israel; Kvennefors et al., 2010: Great Barrier Reef; Chimetto et al., 2008; Sharon and Rosenberg, 2008; Koenig et al., 2011; Krediet et al., 2013 Spp. incl. V. alginolyticus, harveyi, splendidus Culture, molecular In situ enrichment: can dominate mucus community, according to both culturing and molecular methods; can dominate culturable diazotrophs (found for Mussimilia hispida) Mucus. Metabolize mucus; diazotrophs likely contribute nitrogen to hosts; may adapt to host antimicrobials via antibiotic-resistance gene acquisition; can inhibit pathogen colonization
Shellfish: blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus Davis and Sizemore, 1982: Texas, USA Spp. incl. V. cholerae, vulnificus, parahaemolyticus Culture In situ enrichment: Dominant culturable bacteria in hemolymph Hemolymph; mechanism untested
Shellfish: oysters Murphree and Tamplin, 1995; Froelich and Oliver, 2013 Spp. incl. V. cholerae, parahaemolyticus, vulnificus Culture In situ enrichment, via host filtration: can be concentrated by up to 104 compared to surrounding water Gut; unclear whether true gut microbionts, or transient occupants concentrated from food and water
Shellfish: abalone, Haliotis Reviewed in Sawabe (2006) V. haliotis Culture In situ enrichment: ~70% of culturable gut bacteria; reproducibly specific association Gut; may contribute to host seaweed digestion via alginolytic activity
Squids: Sepiolid (Euprymna scolopes) and loligonoid Reviewed in Ruby and Lee (1998); Stabb (2006) V. fischeri Culture, molecular Exclusive light organ symbiotes Bioluminescent symbiotes of nutrient-rich light organ. Colonize immature squid; in mature fish, are expelled and recolonize daily, outcompeting nonsymbiotes
Bluefish Newman et al., 1972: New York, USA Vibrio spp. Culture In situ enrichment: can dominate gut bacteria
Coral reef fishes, incl. surgeonfish Acanthurus nigricans, parrotfish C. sordidus, snapper Lutjanus bohar Sutton and Clements, 1988; Smriga et al., 2010: Palmyra Atoll, northern Pacific Spp. including V. agarivorans, coralliilyticus, fortis, furnissii, ponticus, qinhuangdaora, nigripulchritudo; Photobacterium spp. Culture, molecular In situ enrichment: can dominate gut bacteria, according to both culturing and molecular methods. Molecular quantification: 10% of A. nigricans gut community, 71% of C. sordidus, 76% of L. bohar Gut; unclear whether true gut microbionts, or transient occupants ingested from food (i.e., coral, for parrotfish) and water
Flashlight fishes (Anamalopidae) and anglerfishes (Ceratioidei) Haygood and Distel, 1993 Novel Vibrio spp. Molecular Exclusive light organ symbiotes Bioluminescent symbiotes of nutrient-rich light organ
Flatfishes incl. Rajidae skate, lemon sole Microstomus kitt, turbot Scopthalmus maximus Liston, 1957: Scotland, UK; Xing et al., 2013: fish farm, China Spp. incl. V. cholerae, parahaemolyticus, cholerae; Photobacterium spp. Culture, molecular In situ enrichment: Can dominate gut bacteria, according to both culturing (35–74%, M. kitt) and molecular (~80%, S. maximus) methods Gut; unclear whether true gut microbionts, or transient occupants ingested from food and water
Jackmackerel Trachurus japonicus Aiso et al., 1968: Japan Vibrio spp. Culture In situ enrichment: 27% of stomach culturable bacteria, 100% of intestine Gut; unclear whether true gut microbionts, or transient occupants ingested from food and water
Salmonidae, incl. pink salmon Onchorhynchus gorbuscha, chum salmon O. keta, sockeye salmon O. nerka, Chinook salmon O. tshawytscha Yoshimizu and Kimura, 1976: Japanese coast, East Bering Sea Vibrio spp. Culture In situ enrichment: dominate gut bacteria of saltwater-dwelling (but not freshwater) salmonids; on average represent 69% of saltwater gut community Gut; unclear whether true gut microbionts, or transient occupants ingested from food and water
Sea bream Pagrus major, Acanthopagrus schlegeli Muroga et al., 1987: Japan Vibrio spp. Culture In situ enrichment: ~45% of culturable gut bacteria Gut; unclear whether true gut microbionts, or transient occupants ingested from food and water