Fig. 3.
ASIC1 contributes to augmented SOCE after chronic hypoxia (CH) in isolated small pulmonary arteries. SOCE-induced changes in arterial wall [Ca2+]i (ΔF340/F380; A), vasoconstriction (percent baseline diameter; B), and magnitude of Mn2+ quenching 10 min after MnCl2 (500 μM) administration (C). All experiments were performed in the presence of CPA (10 μM) and diltiazem (50 μM). F, fluorescence intensity; F0, baseline fluorescence intensity at time 0. Values are means ± SE; n values are indicated in bars. *P < 0.05 vs. the control group; #P < 0.05 vs. the corresponding ASIC1+/+ artery.