Figure 5. SFK signaling regulates FOXO localization in mammalian cells.
(A, D) In transiently transfected NIH-3T3 mouse fibroblasts, mCherry-FOXO3 is cytoplasmic when cells are growing in FCS-containing medium. (B, E) Under these conditions of serum-dependent growth, inhibition of Src by treatment with 5 μM SU6656 for 1 h leads to nuclear accumulation of mCherry-FOXO3, as does inhibition of PI3K activity by incubation with 50 μM of the inhibitor LY294002 for the same time (C, F). Each confocal section displaying the dFOXO antibody signal in red is shown once without (A, B, C) and once with (D, E, F) the blue nuclear DAPI counterstain. The subcellular distributions shown are representative and were observed in all expressing cells examined (n > 50 for each condition).