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. 2010 Mar 5;20(Suppl 2):S419–S426. doi: 10.2188/jea.JE20090171

Table 2. Frequencies of caregiver items and overall evaluation on Interaction Rating Scale (18M, 30M, 42M, 7Y).

Items Categories 18M 30M 42M 7Y

n % n % n % n %
  Total 231 100.0 344 100.0 207 100.0 82 100.0
Partner encourages child’s autonomy.
not evident at all 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
not evident 5 2.2 6 1.7 8 3.9 8 9.8
neutral 9 3.9 37 10.8 29 14.0 16 19.5
evident 49 21.2 138 40.1 110 53.1 27 32.9
evident at high level 168 72.7 163 47.4 60 29.0 31 37.8
1. Caregiver allows child to explore task material for at least five seconds before providing first task related instruction. No 25 10.8 3 0.9 7 3.4 0 0.0
Yes 206 89.2 341 99.1 200 96.6 82 100.0
2. Caregiver pauses when child initiates behaviors during episode. No 3 1.3 8 2.3 22 10.6 5 6.1
Yes 228 98.7 336 97.7 185 89.4 77 93.9
3. Caregiver asks for no more than three repetitions when child is successful at completing the task. No 5 2.2 5 1.5 8 3.9 0 0.0
Yes 226 97.8 339 98.6 199 96.1 82 100.0
4. Caregiver does not physically force child to complete task. No 21 9.1 20 5.8 20 9.7 13 15.9
Yes 210 90.9 324 94.2 187 90.3 69 84.2
5. Caregiver halts the episode when child is distressed. No 14 6.1 27 7.9 22 10.6 11 13.4
Yes 217 93.9 317 92.2 185 89.4 71 86.6
6. After giving instructions, caregiver allows at least five seconds for child to attempt task before intervening. No 16 6.9 11 3.2 17 8.2 23 28.1
Yes 215 93.1 333 96.8 190 91.8 59 72.0
7. Caregiver allows non-task manipulation of task materials after the original presentation. No 15 6.5 8 2.3 24 11.6 2 2.4
Yes 216 93.5 336 97.7 183 88.4 80 97.6
8. Caregiver does not make critical or negative comments about child’s task performance. No 11 4.8 13 3.8 12 5.8 6 7.3
Yes 220 95.2 331 96.2 195 94.2 76 92.7
9. Caregiver encourages and/or allows child to perform task at least once before intervening. No 4 1.7 1 0.3 3 1.5 9 11.0
Yes 227 98.3 343 99.7 204 98.5 73 89.0
Partner encourages child’s responsiveness.
not evident at all 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.2
not evident 2 0.9 1 0.3 2 1.0 2 2.4
neutral 5 2.2 27 7.9 25 12.1 13 15.9
evident 56 24.2 133 38.6 123 59.4 25 30.5
evident at high level 168 72.7 183 53.2 57 27.5 41 50.0
1. Caregiver positions child to safely support it. No 1 0.4 11 3.2 21 10.1 0 0.0
Yes 230 99.6 333 96.8 186 89.9 82 100.0
2. Caregiver provides an environment free of distractions. No 3 1.3 3 0.9 5 2.4 2 2.4
Yes 228 98.7 341 99.1 202 97.6 80 97.6
3. Caregiver positions child so it can reach and manipulate materials. No 0 0.0 1 0.3 3 1.5 0 0.0
Yes 231 100.0 343 99.7 204 98.5 82 100.0
4. Caregiver seeks the child’s attention before beginning the task, at the outset of the teaching interaction. No 7 3.0 13 3.8 12 5.8 5 6.1
Yes 224 97.0 331 96.2 195 94.2 77 93.9
5. Caregiver gives instruction only when the child is attentive (90% of the time). No 9 3.9 69 20.1 40 19.3 16 19.5
Yes 222 96.1 275 79.9 167 80.7 66 80.5
6. Caregiver positions child so eye contact is possible during the teaching period (60%). No 12 5.2 0 0.0 2 1.0 1 1.2
Yes 219 94.8 344 100.0 205 99.0 81 98.8
7. Caregiver changes position of child and/or materials after unsuccessful attempts by the child to do the task. No 6 2.6 8 2.3 7 3.4 4 4.9
Yes 225 97.4 336 97.7 200 96.6 78 95.1
8. Caregiver keeps child in visual range. No 1 0.4 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 2.4
Yes 230 99.6 344 100.0 207 100.0 80 97.6
9. Caregiver stays close to child and pays good attention. No 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 1.0 6 7.3
Yes 231 100.0 344 100.0 205 99.0 76 92.7
Partner encourages child’s empathy development.
not evident at all 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
not evident 3 1.3 2 0.6 5 2.4 8 9.8
neutral 13 5.6 42 12.2 32 15.5 20 24.3
evident 72 31.2 150 43.6 117 56.5 41 50.0
evident at high level 143 61.9 150 43.6 53 25.6 13 15.9
1. Caregiver praises child’s efforts at least once during the episode. No 65 28.1 86 25.0 50 24.2 49 59.8
Yes 166 71.9 258 75.0 157 75.8 33 40.2
2. Caregiver emits positive, sympathetic, or soothing verbalizations. No 11 4.8 11 3.2 3 1.5 9 11.0
Yes 220 95.2 333 96.8 204 98.5 73 89.0
3. Caregiver smiles, or touches child within five seconds after child’s smile or vocalization (more than 90% of the time). No 34 14.7 9 2.6 8 3.9 6 7.3
Yes 197 85.3 335 97.4 199 96.1 76 92.7
4. Caregiver emits soothing non-verbal response (ie, pat, touch, rock, caress, kiss). No 34 14.7 237 68.9 166 80.2 70 85.4
Yes 197 85.3 107 31.1 41 19.8 12 14.6
5. Caregiver diverts the child by playing games, introducing new toy. No 69 29.9 52 15.1 35 16.9 21 25.6
Yes 162 70.1 292 84.9 172 83.1 61 74.4
6. Caregiver does not vocalize to the child while the child is vocalizing. No 0 0.0 1 0.3 8 3.9 2 2.4
Yes 231 100.0 343 99.7 199 96.1 80 97.6
7. Caregiver verbally praises child during the episode. No 78 33.8 101 29.4 77 37.2 46 56.1
Yes 153 66.2 243 70.6 130 62.8 36 43.9
8. Caregiver smiles and/or nods at the child. No 32 13.9 4 1.2 3 1.5 5 6.1
Yes 199 86.2 340 98.8 204 98.5 77 93.9
9. Caregiver responds to child’s vocalizations with affectionate verbal response. No 20 8.7 16 4.7 21 10.1 6 7.3
Yes 211 91.3 328 95.4 186 89.9 76 92.7
Caregiver encourages child’s cognitive development.
not evident at all 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 2.4
not evident 14 6.1 11 3.2 7 3.4 9 11.0
neutral 76 32.9 118 34.3 40 19.3 19 23.2
evident 86 37.2 154 44.8 132 63.8 40 48.8
evident at high level 55 23.8 61 17.7 28 13.5 12 14.6
1. Caregiver focuses own attention and child’s attention on task during most of the episode (at least 60% of the time). No 18 7.8 26 7.6 4 1.9 7 8.5
Yes 213 92.2 318 92.4 203 98.1 75 91.5
2. Caregiver describes perceptual qualities of task materials to child. No 186 80.5 169 49.1 66 31.9 31 37.8
Yes 45 19.5 175 50.9 141 68.1 51 62.2
3. Caregiver uses at least two different sentences or phrases to describe task to child. No 128 55.4 195 56.7 53 25.6 22 26.8
Yes 103 44.6 149 43.3 154 74.4 60 73.2
4. Caregiver uses explanatory verbal style more than imperative style in episode. No 3 1.3 5 1.5 6 2.9 3 3.7
Yes 228 98.7 339 98.6 201 97.1 79 96.3
5. Caregiver’s instructions are clear and unambiguous. No 98 42.4 188 54.7 57 27.5 22 26.8
Yes 133 57.6 156 45.4 150 72.5 60 73.2
6. Caregiver uses both verbal description and non-verbal instruction No 6 2.6 12 3.5 14 6.8 1 1.2
Yes 225 97.4 332 96.5 193 93.2 81 98.8
7. Caregiver uses teaching loops (alerting, instruction, performance, and feedback) in instructing child. No 81 35.1 66 19.2 28 13.5 1 1.2
Yes 150 64.9 278 80.8 179 86.5 81 98.8
8. Caregiver signals completion of task to child verbally or non-verbally. No 122 52.8 113 32.9 59 28.5 43 52.4
Yes 109 47.2 231 67.2 148 71.5 39 47.6
9. Length of caregiver instruction to child is age appropriate. No 22 9.5 5 1.5 7 3.4 8 9.8
Yes 209 90.5 339 98.6 200 96.6 74 90.2
Caregiver encourages child’s social-emotional development.
not evident at all 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
not evident 2 0.9 7 2.1 7 3.4 6 7.3
neutral 22 9.5 41 11.9 23 11.1 4 4.9
evident 96 41.6 148 43.0 122 58.9 45 54.9
evident at high level 111 48.0 148 43.0 55 26.6 27 32.9
1. Caregiver does not make negative comments to the child. No 8 3.5 16 4.7 15 7.3 3 3.7
Yes 223 96.5 328 95.4 192 92.7 79 96.3
2. Caregiver does not yell at the child. No 1 0.4 1 0.3 1 0.5 0 0.0
Yes 230 99.6 343 99.7 206 99.5 82 100.0
3. Caregiver does not use abrupt movements or rough handling. No 2 0.9 5 1.5 1 0.5 1 1.2
Yes 229 99.1 339 98.6 206 99.5 81 98.8
4. Caregiver does not slap, hit, or spank. No 0 0.0 2 0.6 0 0.0 2 2.4
Yes 231 100.0 342 99.4 207 100.0 80 97.6
5. Caregiver does not make negative comments to observer about the child. No 9 3.9 0 0.0 2 1.0 2 2.4
Yes 222 96.1 344 100.0 205 99.0 80 97.6
6. Caregiver’s body posture is relaxed during the episode (more than 50% of the time). No 0 0.0 7 2.0 4 1.9 3 3.7
Yes 231 100.0 337 98.0 203 98.1 79 96.3
7. Caregiver places him/herself in a face-to-face position with the child when talking to the child (more than 50% of the time). No 40 17.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.2
Yes 191 82.7 344 100.0 207 100.0 81 98.8
8. Caregiver behaves affectionately to child during the episode. No 3 1.3 4 1.2 6 2.9 3 3.7
Yes 228 98.7 340 98.8 201 97.1 79 96.3
9. Caregiver makes constructive or encouraging statements to the child during episode. No 197 85.3 192 55.8 79 38.2 43 52.4
Yes 34 14.7 152 44.2 128 61.8 39 47.6
* OVERALL IMPRESSION: A SYNCHRONOUS RELATIONSHIPk not evident at all 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.2
not evident 8 3.5 15 4.4 10 4.8 4 4.9
neutral 36 15.6 72 20.9 44 21.3 20 24.4
evident 102 44.1 148 43.0 107 51.7 42 51.2
evident at high level 85 36.8 109 31.7 46 22.2 15 18.3

f–k: Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison tests (behavioral total score was used).

f7Y < 18 < 30, 42 < 30, g42 < 18, 7Y < 18, h7Y < 18, 7Y < 30, 7Y < 42, i18 < 30 < 42, 18 < 7Y, 7Y < 42, j18 < 30, 18 < 42, 18 < 7Y, k18 < 30, 18 < 42, 7Y < 42.