Ability to avoid losing train of thought; distractibility (attention)
Ability to focus on goals; carry out a plan (problem-solving)
Remembering events from long ago (remote memory)
Remembering new information told to you (new learning and prospective memory)
Attention and concentration (attention)
Ability to reason through a complicated problem (problem-solving)
Self-awareness of problems (problem-solving)
Remembering what you intended to do (new learning and prospective memory)
Ability to shift easily from one activity to the next (problem-solving)
Remembering appointments or meetings (new learning and prospective memory)
General alertness (attention)
Ability to think clearly (attention)
Remembering new information you have read (new learning and prospective memory)
Remembering where you put things (new learning and prospective memory)
Ease in initiating or starting activities by oneself (speed)
Ability to make decisions (problem-solving)
Remembering information learned long ago (new learning and prospective memory)
Ability to be flexible, rather than rigid or have overly set manner (problem-solving)