Fig. 3.
Relative TC of zones located at increasing distances from the primary (index) tumor zone (bolded T) for 5 prostates affected by adenocarcinoma. N denotes TC in disease-free normal tissues. Bars denote average TC +/− standard deviation for an average number of tissue samples per zone of 6 (for tumors) and 10 (for tumor adjacent). # denotes statistically significant difference (p<0.05) from disease-free normal tissues (N); * denotes statistically significant difference by student’s t-test (p<0.05) from zone T containing the tumor; † in tumors 1 and 5 denotes the presence of an additional cancerous focus in that zone; ** in tumor 5 denotes statistically significant difference by student’s t-test (p<0.05) from neighboring zone D. Note: The cancerous area in tumor 1 contained only one sample.