A: Dose-dependent effect of HENECA on cAMP production in SH-SY5Y cells expressing APPswe. B: Concentration-dependent effect of NaHS (10–200 µM, 12 hours) on HENECA (100 nM, 24 hours)-stimulated cAMP upregulation. C–D: Effects of NaHS (100 µM) on cAMP (C) and Aβ42 production (D) in cells treated with forskolin (20 µM) and/or IBMX (100 µM). The intracellular cAMP and Aβ42 levels in conditioned media were measured by sandwich ELISA kits. Control values were adjusted to 100% for Aβ42 levels measurement. Data are given as means ± S.E.M, n = 6. ###
p<0.001 vs Con group, **
p<0.01, ***p<0.001 vs HEN group,+++
p<0.001 vs forsk group, ???
p<0.001 vs forsk + IBMX group. Con, control; HEN, HENECA; Forsk, forskolin.