(A) Scattergram of WE-14 concentrations in plasma samples of healthy volunteers (controls, ×, n = 21), and patients with pheochromocytoma (+, n = 37). (B) Distribution of WE-14 preoperative concentrations in patients reported in (A), depending on the adrenal (PHEO, ▴, n = 26) or extra-adrenal (PGL, ▾, n = 11) location of the tumor, the benign (•, n = 32) or malignant (▪, n = 5), and the sporadic (♦, n = 24) or hereditary (•, n = 13) nature of the neoplasms. (C) Distribution of WE-14 levels (n = 12) in preoperative (•, preop) and postoperative patients for which the tumor was resected (○, postop). The bars represent the median value for each group. The grey zone corresponds to the distribution of control values and indicates the cut-off level for WE-14 test assay. The * symbol refers to statistical difference between median values of controls vs each group. PHEO, pheochromocytoma; PGL, paraganglioma; post-op, post-operative patients; preop, preoperative patients. ns, not significant. ***, p<0.001; **, p<0.01. The numbers refer to the gene mutation as follow : 1, SDHD ; 2, SDHB ; 3, NF1 ; 4, RET ; 5, VHL.