Figure 2. The phylogenetic relationships of surface glycoprotein segments.
The evolutionary phases of the HA (A) and NA (B) segments of the swPL01 virus were inferred using the method described above (see the legend in Figure 1). The sequences with more than 60% bootstrap scores among the evolution branches of the swTx/98 virus and those of reference were used for the final ML tree evaluation. The HA phylogenetic groups were indicated as cluster I, II, III, and IV. The NAs were indicated as TRIG H3N2, human H1N2 (huH1N2), human H3N2 (huH3N2), and clade IV. The colors represent the following viruses: pink, A/swine/Texas/4199-2/1998 (swTx/98); green, Korean swine H3N2; and red, A/swine/Korea/PL01/2012 (swPL01).