Table 1. Injections of TAL 3 mRNA and donor plasmid DNA in rat one-cell embryos.
Dose TALEN mRNA/DNA (ng/µl) | No. Injected eggs/No. Transferred eggs (% of survival) | Offspring (% of injected eggs) | No. NHEJ pups (% of offspring) | No. KI pups (% of offspring) | Targeting frequency (% of offspring) |
40 (20+20)/5 | 225/171 (76) | 32 (14) | 4 (13) | 1 (3) | 16 |
20 (10+10)/5 | 293/228 (79) | 27† (9) | 5 (19) | 0 | 19 |
One pup was born dead.
Two doses of TAL 3 mRNA were used (20+20 or 10+10 ng/µl of each TALEN). The egg survival rate is shown in percentage. NHEJ indicates the number of pups that had a gene disruption event in the sequence around pA476T. The percentages were calculated within each set of TALEN mRNA amount injected.