Fig. 14.
Rate-ITD functions of the HH-type MSO and LSO models to binaural broadband noises. A: MSO model. B: LSO model. Different colors represent different stimulus conditions (same as Fig. 5). The membrane parameters for these models are given in Table 1, and the synaptic parameters are given here: for the AN to MSO synapse: strE = 15 nS, τE = 0.1 ms, τE_rise = 0.01 ms, NE = 10; for the AN to LSO synapse: strE = 1 nS, strI = 1.6 nS, τE = 2 ms, τE_rise = 0.2 ms, τI = 5 ms, τI_rise = 0.5 ms, NE = NI = 20.