Table 1.
Clinical examinations | Results |
Routine blood examination | White blood cells 14400/μL, red blood cells 408 × 104/μL, hemoglobin 11.6 g/dL, hematocrit 35.7%, platelets 220 × 104/μL, C-reactive protein 38.9 mg/dL, blood sedimentation 58 mm/h |
Routine stool examination | White blood cells, 20-30/HP; red blood cells, filled visual fields |
Blood biochemistry | Total protein, 8.6 g/dL; AST, 36 IU/L; ALT, 32 IU/L; LDH, 171 IU/L; and total bilirubin, 0.2 mg/dL |
Bacteriologic culture of blood, urine, and stool | Negative |
Serum antinuclear antibody and antituberculosis antibody | Negative |
PPD skin test and T-spot test | Negative |
Pathergy test | Positive |
Gastroscopy | Giant ulceration in the inferior extremity of the esophagus (Figure 1A) |
Colonoscopy | A large ulcer in the ileo-cecal junction (Figure 1B) |
Pathological examination of the endoscopic biopsy specimen | Nonspecific ulceration |
Abdominal CT imaging | Thickening of the intestinal canal of the ascending colon and ileocecal region |
Whole gastrointestinal barium meal examination | Inflammatory changes in the ascending colon and ileocecal region |
AST: Aspartate aminotransferase; ALT: Alanine aminotransferase; LDH: Lactate dehydrogenase; CT: Computed tomography.