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. 2012 Sep 4;65(3):139–143. doi: 10.5173/ceju.2012.03.art8

Table 1.

Staging of acute epididymo-orchitis and its treatment

STAGE Palpation SUI TREATMENT Efficacy of conservative treatment
E/T Malacia Hydrocele Abscess
I + No Conservative 100%
II + + None, one, or a few abscesses up to 0.5 cm in greatest dimension each one Conservative initially. Surgery after 48-72 hours of conservative treatment failure 85.4%
IIIA + 53.3%
– *
+ One or more abscesses above 0.5 cm in greatest dimension each one Surgery 0%

E/T: palpable differences between epididymis and testis: + present = palpation reveals both enlarged painful epididymis and normal or insignificantly enlarged testis; – absent = on palpation, the enlarged epididymis is not differentiated from the enlarged, painful testis; * malacia was absent only in cases of large hydrocele or inability to palpate the epididymis/testis. SUI: scrotal ultrasound investigation