Hippocampal EPO mRNA Levels in EPOCCI and VEHCCI rats obtained at post injury days (PID) 1, 2, 3, 7, and 14, presented as a percentage of corresponding Sham mRNA. Contralateral and Ipsilateral hemispheres are abbreviated as contra and ipsi, respectively. EPOCCIcontra and ipsi are shown as light gray and white bars, respectively. VEHCCI contra and ipsi are shown as dark gray and black bars, respectively. Results are presented as percent Sham mRNA±SEM, n=6–8/group. *p<0.05 relative to VEHCCI; &p<0.05 relative to SHAM. EPO mRNA decreased at PID1 in ipsilateral and contralateral EPOCCI relative to VEHCCI, but did not reach statistical significance (p=0.08 and 0.07, respectively). EPO mRNA decreased relative to VEHCCI at PID 7, suggesting that EPO mRNA was downregulated by Procrit® administration. At PID3, EPO mRNA increased in EPOCCIipsi relative to VEHCCIipsi, suggesting a rebound increase in endogenous EPO production at a time during which Procrit® should no longer be present in the brain.