Table 4.
IONMa | Postoperative outcome (n) | Total (n) | Predictive value | % | |
RLN paresis | No RLN paresis | ||||
LOS (positive) | 18 | 5 | 23 | PPV | 78.3 |
Intact signal (negative) | 2 | 475 | 477 | NPV | 99.6 |
Total | 20 | 480 | 500 | Accuracy | 98.6 |
Operations were performed with Neurosign® 100 (n = 108) and NIM 2.0 or NIM 3.0 systems (n = 198)
Accuracy TP + TN/TP + TN + FP + FN, IONM intraoperative nerve monitoring, LOS loss of signal, RLN recurrent laryngeal nerve, PPV positive predictive value (TP/TP + FP), NPV negative predictive value (TN/TN + FN), TP true positive, TN true negative, FP false positive, FN false negative
aCalculated for indirect stimulation through vagus nerve after thyroid resection (V2) and for NAR