Figure 5.
(A) SN-38 release in PBS (pH 7.4) from PCL with 30% PGC-C18 meshes. An ethanol dip treatment of meshes leads to expeditious release with removal of the air layer. Native, non-degassed meshes release minimal drug, where ultrasound treatment at day 7 removes the entrapped air layer to initiate release. (B) SN-38 release from PCL with 30% PGC-C18 meshes in PBS supplemented with 10% serum. SN-38 release occurs more quickly in serum than in PBS due to a decrease in surface tension and surfactant binding. Sandwiching the drug-loaded mesh with protective non-drug loaded layers prevents SN-38 release until initiated by ultrasound treatment at day 7. Drug release eventually occurs with layered samples that were not treated with ultrasound, but in a delayed fashion. Arrows indicate time of ultrasound treatment in both plots. Differences in SN-38 release rates from layered meshes before and after ultrasound treatment were statistically significant using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) (p=0.0012). (n=3; average ± SD)