Figure 4.
UBE2C, cyclin D1, RB, and AR protein expression in clinical CRPC tissues with SCPC/LCNEC prostate carcinoma or adenocarcinoma (AdCa) morphology. A, Scatter plots of UBE2C, cyclin D1, RB, and AR expression in the clinical CRPC samples. B, Representative images of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)–stained and UBE2C-, cyclin D1-, Rb-, and AR–stained sections from a mixed SCPC–AdCa tumor and a pure AdCa tumor. (CRPC: castrate-resistant prostate carcinoma; SCPC, small cell prostate carcinoma; LCNEC, large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma; Original magnification, ×200).