Analysis of the TMT data. (A) Venn diagram of the number
of proteins
identified in the SH-TBK1_MOUSE protein complex from the three elution
conditions: 100 mM formic acid, 100 mM glycine, and 2% SDS. Only proteins
identified with at least two unique peptides and that were more than
>3-fold higher compared with the corresponding SH-GFP elution (channels
126, 127, and 128 TMT 6-plex) are included. (B) TMT ratios of the
SH-TBK1 interactors resulting from the intersection of the three elution
conditions assessed. All ratios were obtained by comparison with the
formic acid elution of the SH-TBK1 TAP (channel 129 of the TMT 6-plex).
SDS, sodium dodecylsulphate.