Figure 9. Quantitation of GABA, SSAL, and glutamate in PNEC cells following 24 hours of pH stress and nutrient deprivation.
The effects of 24-hour glucose and glutamine deprivation on A. GABA, B. SSAL, and C. glutamate levels in PNEC cells were measured. Nutrient deprivation experiments were performed in substrate-deficient DMEM/F12 media containing dialyzed fetal calf serum supplemented with 6 mM glutamine and/or 17.5 mM glucose for 24 hours. The effects of 24-hour pH stress at pH 6.5 and 8.5 relative to physiologic pH 7.4 on D. GABA, E. SSAL, and F. glutamate levels in PNEC cells were measured. Metabolite levels in the cell lysates was assayed and normalized to total cellular protein. * Significance relative to control (p<0.05). Data represents quadruplicate measurements.