Molecular and immunological characterization of trout CA by commassie brilliant blue stained SDS-gel electrophoresis (10%) (a, b, d, e) and immunostained nitrocellulose membrane (c, f)
(a) Purified gill CA (25 μg). Only a single stained band of proteins (30 kDa) confirms the enzyme purity. (b) Gill homogenate (50 μg). (c) Nitrocellulose membrane from the corresponding SDS-gel electrophoresis (b) immunostained with gill CA antiserum (1/100 dilution). Only a single band confirms the antiserum specificity for gill CA. (d) Molecular weight markers: bovine CA, 30 kDa; ovalbumine, 43 kDa; albumin, 67 kDa; phosphprylase b, 94 kDa. (e) Pseudobranch tissue homogenate (50 μg). Proteins are stained with commassie brilliant blue. (f) Nitrocellulose membrane from the corresponding SDS-gel electrophoresis (e) immunostained with gill CA antiserum (1/100 dilution). Only a single band confirms the antiserum specificity for pseudobranch CA