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. 2013 Dec 20;11(1):67–90. doi: 10.3390/ijerph110100067

Table 2.

List of articles aiming at producing risk maps for the transmission of WNV or WNF disease. Ref. stands for References.

Scale Wild Birds Mosquitoes Risk Indices/Model Ref.
Species Abundance Model Species Abundance Model
Local (France) 60 species Qualitative probability of presence according to land cover (6 classes) Cx. pipiens
Cx. modestus
Qualitative density level (5 classes), data: bird-baited trapping Vector and host occurrence probability indexes, host richness and abundance indexes [44]
Country (Israel) Cx. pipiens Spearman and Pearson correlation with temperature and precipitation [45]
Local (Italy) Oc Caspius
Cx. pipiens
Cx. modestus
Bayesian Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) of CO2-baited trapping data according to elevation, rainfall, temperature, NDVI, season [46]
Local (Italy) Cx. pipiens GLMM [47]
Local (Spain) 32 migratory species, present in large numbers, associated with aquatic habitat Presence/absence: only abundant species (>2,000 pairs) are addressed Cx. pipiens Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) of temperature, rainfall rate, distance to the nearest humid area WLC of wild bird presence, Cx. pipiens abundance and equid density [48]