Figure 3. Trehalose treatment did not reduce lipid oxidation in intestinal I/R.
(a) No reduction of MDA by trehalose treatment. Three groups of WT mice were studied: (i) sham-operated, (ii) I/R with saline treatment, and (iii) I/R with trehalose treatment; (n=5 per group). Intestinal lysates were prepared and MDA levels were measured as described in Methods. (b) Intestinal cryosections were stained with an anti-4 HNE Ab and a FITC-labeled secondary Ab (n=8 for the sham group; n=12 for the saline treated I/R group; n=11 for the trehalose treated I/R group). Bars indicate percent of 4-HNE positive villi in the intestinal sections. * indicates P<0.05; N.S. indicates not significant (P >0.05).