1. Symptom survey shortened |
Phone symptom surveys were repetitive and burdensome. |
2. Occasional home visit allowed |
Some participants requested an occasional home visit |
3. Module language changed to be less focused on depression |
Some participants felt certain modules “didn't apply,” such as grief and loss and depression “because I'm not depressed.” |
4. Allowed more flexibility with modules; individually tailor so that some modules are briefly presented as “refreshers” |
Some participants felt some of the modules were things they already knew and too much time was spent on them, such as pacing their energy during the day. |
5. Created a “menu” of available resources, such as weight loss programs, caregiver support |
One participant wanted to know what other resources exist for symptoms. |
6. Allowed team to target symptoms besides the four target symptoms |
On baseline self-report measures, symptoms besides those targeted by the intervention were rated as “most bothersome” such as cough and numbness/tingling in hands/feet. |