Table 1.
One hundred and fifty-seven automated tumor features were computed for the tumor candidates. Edge refers to the two pixel-wide band of liver tissue surrounding the tumor.
3D Features | Descriptor | Explanation |
Tumor Volume | Size | Volumetric size. |
Tumor Diameter | Size | Linear size |
Tumor Size Region Ratio | Shape | Ratio of the size of the object bounding box and the real size of the object |
Tumor Binary Elongation | Shape | Ratio of the largest principal moment by the smallest principal moment |
Tumor Roundness | Shape | Sphericity |
Tumor Hessian Eigenvalues | Shape | Local extrema and stationary points |
Tumor Blobness Measures | Shape | Roundness from the Hessian eigenvalues |
Tumor Intensity* | Enhancement | Enhancement of tumor |
Edge Intensity* | Enhancement | Enhancement of healthy parenchyma |
Tumor Cluster Prominence* | Texture | Skewness / asymmetry |
Edge Cluster Prominence* | Texture | Skewness / asymmetry |
Tumor Cluster Shade* | Texture | Skewness / asymmetry |
Edge Cluster Shade* | Texture | Skewness / asymmetry |
Tumor Correlation* | Texture | Correlation / complexity |
Edge Correlation* | Texture | Correlation / complexity |
Tumor Energy* | Texture | Uniformity |
Edge Energy* | Texture | Uniformity |
Tumor Entropy* | Texture | Randomness |
Edge Entropy* | Texture | Randomness |
Tumor Haralick Correlation* | Texture | Linear dependence between the voxels relative to each other. |
Edge Haralick Correlation* | Texture | Linear dependence between the voxels relative to each other. |
Tumor Inertia* | Texture | Local heterogeneity |
Edge Inertia* | Texture | Local heterogeneity |
Tumor Inverse Difference Moment* | Texture | Local homogeneity |
Edge Inverse Difference Moment* | Texture | Local homogeneity |
indicates that the min, max, mean, standard deviation, variance, median, kurtosis and skewness were computed for the feature. For definitions of the texture features computed from the co-occurrence matrix please refer to [19].