Figure 3. p38/inhibition increases the final collagen content of cyclically stretched fibrin-based tissue constructs and offsets a stretching-induced decrease in cell proliferation.
Fibrin-based tissue constructs were exposed to three weeks of incremental amplitude cyclic stretch (filled bars) +/− 5 M SB203580 (SB) or were maintained in static culture (empty bars). A, B) Total collagen was determined by the biochemical quantification of hydroxyproline content and normalized to the collagen content of drug-matched static controls. There was no change in the collagen content of static constructs with drug treatment, but stretching-induced collagen was increased 2.6 fold further with SB treatment. * = p<0.05 with student’s t-test (n=19 per group). C) Total protein content of constructs was unchanged with stretching or SB treatment. D) Stretching led to a decrease in cellularity at harvest, as measured by Hoechst assay. SB treatment partially offset the stretching effect but did not prevent it entirely. * = p<0.05 with student’s t-test (n=3 per group).