Figure 2. A, Phenotypes of the T6 generation GmRAV-i soybean under LDs and SDs.
50-day-old seedlings of WT and GmRAV-i transgenic soybean under LDs and SDs at Harbin (planted at May 28). B, The compare of the number of flower buds between WT plants and GmRAV-i soybeans under LDs and SDs. The flower buds of 50 plants were measured for each treatment. Error bars represent the SE. **Significant differences in comparison to the non-transgenic lines at P<0.01 (Student’s t test). C and D, Diurnal expression of soybean FT homologs: GmFT2a and GmFT5a in GmRAV-i soybeans grown under SDs (8 h/16 h light/dark). Trifoliate leaves were sampled every 4 h at 15 DAE. White and black bars at the top represent light and dark phases, respectively. Samples were processed and analyzed by RT-PCR as described in Experimental procedures. The levels of GmACTIN expression were used as a normalization control, respectively. Average and SE values for three replications are given for each data point. E and F, Relative transcript levels of GmFT2a and GmFT5a mRNA in GmRAV-i soybean leaves under SDs and LDs. Soybean leaves were harvested at 4 h before dawn at 25-day-old under LDs and SDs. G, Pathway controlling flowering in response to short days in soybean.