Figure 5. Effects of sucrose on flowering time for Arabidopsis.
A, Arabidopsis rav mutants and WT seedlings were grown on media with various concentrations of sucrose for 2 weeks, and then transferred to soil under LDs. The flowering time of seedlings with 2% sucrose was WT (24±0.5) and Arabidopsis rav mutant (21±0.8). WT plants are the control for Arabidopsis rav mutants. Values are the average of 30 to 45 plants. The error bars indicate one SE of the mean. Similar results were obtained in two independent experiments. *Differences in comparison to the non-transgenic lines at 0.01<P<0.05, **Significant differences in comparison to the non-transgenic lines at P<0.01 (Student’s t test). B, Phenotypes of the Arabidopsis rav mutant. 23-day old seedlings of WT and Arabidopsis rav mutant under natural day length (LD) with treated by 2% and 4% sucrose. C, Quantitative real-time RT–PCR analysis of LFY expression in Arabidopsis rav mutants. Control amplification of 18 s rRNA transcript indicated equal amounts of cDNA.