Table 2.
Assembly statistics of Porteresia transcriptome
Total reads | 374 759 624 |
Total transcripts | 152 367 |
Size (Mb) | 120.99 |
Minimum transcript length (bp) | 200 |
Maximum transcript length (bp) | 14 945 |
Average transcript length (bp) | 794.07 |
N50 length (bp) | 1249 |
Total reads used for assembly | 95.62% |
Average read depth | 2352 |
Transcripts with significant hitsa | 48 048 (31.5%) |
Rice proteins with significant hitb | 21 499 (55.06%) |
Rice proteins with ≥70% coveragec | 9114 (23.34%) |
aNumber of transcripts showing a significant hit (E-value ≤ 1e−5) with rice proteins.
bNumber of rice proteins showing a significant hit (E-value ≤ 1e−5) with Porteresia transcripts.
cNumber of rice proteins that showed ≥70% coverage.