Figure 1.
Adjusted Clinician Reported Care Coordination by Availability of Integrated Outpatient–Inpatient Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Team CohesionNote. We computed the marginal adjusted percent of respondents who reported each outcome by fitting the logistic regression models as if all respondents had (1) no integrated EHR and lower team cohesion; (2) integrated EHR and lower team cohesion; (3) no integrated EHR and higher team cohesion; and (4) integrated EHR and higher team cohesion. Clinicians who worked in facilities where both the inpatient and outpatient EHR components were implemented were defined as having an integrated EHR. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001. p-value compared integrated EHR to no integrated EHR by team cohesion category.