Algorithm 1 Path calculation algorithm. |
input: cost image C
input: set of start point(s) S
input: local path length parameter lmax
output: map with predecessor points on path pred
function CalculatePaths(C, S) |
▷ Initialize |
Q ← empty priority queue |
for each voxel v in C do
pred[v] ← undefined
end for
for each point v in S do
pred[v] = root
for each neighbor x of v do
Q ← Q ⋃ {(C[x], x, v)} |
end for
end for
▷ Extend paths |
while Q is not empty do
tuple t ← popmin(Q) |
v ← second(t) |
if pred[v]= undefined then
pred[v] ← third(t) |
for each neighbor x of v do
c ← LocalPathCosts (C, pred, v, x) |
Q ← Q ⋃ {(c, x, v)} |
end for
end if
end while
return pred
end function