DNA Reapplication Timing of Neocentromeres
(A) DNA replication profiles around endogenous centromere regions on chromosomes Z, 5, and 27 in DT40 cells. Endogenous centromeres are on middle to late replication domain.
(B) Comparison of data of entire DNA replication timing for Z#3 (before neocentromere formation) with those for BM23, #0514, and #1024 cells (after neocentromere formation). R2 values are shown.
(C) Changes of DNA replication timing at three neocentromere loci before and after neocentromere formation. By SAM, later shifts in replication timing of 100 kb segments at loci of neocentromere formation in both #0514 and #1024 cells were found to be statistically significant (#0514: p = 1.86 x 10−5, q = 0.0153; #1024: p = 7.79 x 10−3, q = 0.0903; q value is a FDR-based measure of significance; Storey and Tibshirani, 2003). Replication timing was not changed in #BM23 cells upon neocentromere formation.