Fig. 4.
Dual immunolocalization of SC proteins with recombination pathway proteins in WT and cdkg1–1 nuclei at 23 °C. DAPI-stained chromatin is shown in blue. (Scale bars, 2 μm.) (A) Leptotene nuclei immunostained with ASY1 (red) and DMC1 (green). (B) Leptotene nuclei immunostained with ASY1 (red) and RAD51 (green). (C) Late zygotene (Top) and pachytene or pachytene-like (Middle) nuclei of WT and cdkg1–1 mutants at 23 °C. ASY1 (red), ZYP1 (gray), and MLH1 (green). (Bottom) Detail of MLH1 foci on ZYP1-loaded regions in both WT and mutant.