Representative nerve sections and fiber diameter analysis. Representative cross-sectional images (100×, Scale: 20 μm) of nerve sections stained with toluidine blue from the midpoint of regenerated femoral nerve and histogram of the relative distribution of nerve fiber diameter after tubulization with either (A) nonporous PE conduits (NP-PE), (B) porous E10-0.5(1K) conduits [P-E10-0.5(1K)], or (C) nonporous E10-0.5(1K) conduits [NP-E10-0.5(1K)]. Histograms of fiber diameters reveal a reduced number of small axons and an increased number of larger axons in animals treated with E10-0.5(1K) conduits as compared to animals treated with NP-PE conduits. There was a statistically higher relative distribution (%) of fiber diameters measuring 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 μm in P-E10-0.5(1K) and NP-E10-0.5(1K) conduits as compared to NP-PE conduits. (p<0.05, one-way analysis of variance with Tukey's post hoc test).