Confocal microscopy of mature hippocampal neuronal culture (15 DIV) double stained for TOMM20 (a mitochondrial marker; green channel) and BrdU (for visualization of newly synthesized mito-chondrial DNA; red channel). BrdU puncta colocalize with several TOMM20 positive mitochondria (arrows) in cell body, showing that biogenesis of these organelles mainly occurs in perinuclear compartment. (A–C) Lower magnification of TOMM20/BrdU immunofluorescence. (D–F) Inset higher magnification. (G–I) Colocalization analysis performed with ImageJ, including the spatial pattern of colocalized points (G), the luminance intensity height of the colocalized points (H), the spatial intensity profile for both fluorescence channels (I) of the white line positioned in (F). Scale bar 15 and 5 μm. Figure referring to data from Amadoro et al. (2014).