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. 2014 Feb 18;8:61. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00061

Table 7.

Mean stop-failure RTs for each SSD and weighted-average across all SSDs.

Stop RTs (ms) of task: SSD 1 SSD 2 SSD 3 SSD 4 Average
Emp./Est. Emp./Est. Emp./Est. Emp./Est. Emp./Est.
CS Ocular 337.2/238.4 310.8/244.8 308.5/253.6 286.1/276.3 302.5/260.0
Manual Hands 359.6/291.0 346.6/301.1 340.9/314.3 334.1/328.7 340.9/315.8
Biceps 300.6/258.6 305.6/268.0 303.1/282.9 294.3/294.1 299.6/281.6
Both Eyes 349.1/221.5 317.0/233.5 271.7/245.4 279.3/269.8 289.2/253.9
Hands 362.8/287.8 360.4/301.3 336.2/313.4 338.1/332.7 343.1/318.7
Biceps 313.3/258.7 337.1/268.3 293.4/277.3 297.3/296.4 305.4/281.8
DS Ocular 280.9/188.6 210.9/191.9 238.7/213.0 238.4/234.2 238.9/216.4
Manual Hands 305.1/258.7 293.2/256.5 291.6/284.1 308.7/308.3 301.9/292.4
Biceps 225.0/207.4 239.5/211.1 242.0/237.7 261.7/255.2 248.8/238.8
Both Eyes 306.5/188.1 206.8/197.5 234.9/217.2 242.0/235.7 240.9/220.0
Hands 281.7/264.2 293.6/267.8 292.4/287.3 317.6/315.0 305.3/297.5
Biceps 231.4/212.8 245.8/214.4 253.1/239.1 265.1/263.2 256.3/245.9
EH Ocular 270.0/203.2 269.8/210.1 255.5/220.2 240.2/232 252.3/222.4
Manual Hands 313.9/286.5 311.7/294.5 310.3/304.9 315.7/322.5 313.5/310.1
Biceps 254.8/225.6 246.9/230.5 246.5/241.5 252.7/257.2 250.3/244.9
Both Eyes 318.4/213.1 289.9/221.0 266.1/229.4 252.3/246.6 266.9/234.9
Hands 332.2/289.4 312.9/294.8 305.4/304.9 318.3/322.5 315.5/310.2
Biceps 266.7/226.4 245.0/231.9 243.8/240.7 253.8/256.2 250.9/244.8
IM Ocular 301.7/195.8 275.8/200.5 250.5/217.6 243.7/223.2 255.9/215.7
Manual Hands 358.9/296.2 364.0/300.8 345.8/320.9 351.4/328.5 354.0/317.9
Biceps 298.1/243.0 295.5/248.6 283.5/263.2 287.9/272.8 288.3/261.5
Both Eyes 319.1/201.7 294.9/206.2 253.0/222.3 251.3/229.2 263.8/221.0
Hands 360.8/296.8 368.4/305.4 353.2/325.3 355.4/336.0 357.1/324.0
Biceps 308.3/239.2 288.5/249.3 285.6/264.4 291.1/274.8 290.6/263.1
IW Ocular 316.4/217.2 298.2/218.1 273.7/235.7 268.8/253.1 278.3/240.3
Manual Hands 303.5/255.3 280.6/264.8 281.6 /280.2 302.6/299.9 293.3/258.5
Biceps 262.6/209.1 254.1/217.6 243.2/232.0 248.0/247.8 249.4/233.2
Both Eyes 326.1/220.4 294.9/232.7 289.4/251.7 272.5/268.9 283.4/256.2
Hands 281.0/253.5 291.1/268.2 285.6/289.9 299.8/302.4 292.9/291.1
Biceps 271.0/209.2 263.0/221.7 238.1/241.7 250.1/250.9 249.4/240.1
SW Ocular 324.8/207.6 305.4/224.9 270.9/247.9 277.5/267.4 279.1/255.0
Manual Hands 348.7/291.8 329.9/299.2 333.1/330.1 354.2/355.8 346.0/339.7
Biceps 253.3/244.5 287.2/251.2 285.3/281.7 304.7/307.1 294.6/289.4
Both Eyes 443.7/208.7 263.2/220.2 271.1/244.8 278.6/266.4 277.9/253.2
Hands 444.5/285.3 324.7/301.2 339.9/327.1 360.3/349.1 353.3/333.9
Biceps 361.3/236.8 265.7/253.4 284.1/275.7 310.1/297.1 298.5/280.9

On the left in bold are the empirically observed (Emp.) stop-failure RTs, on the right the estimated (Est.) stop-failure RTs according to the third prediction. Stop-failure RTs were calculated on the basis of the go RTs distribution and by using the inhibition probability of the single SSDs. Underlined are the few cases for which the estimated stop-failure RT was longer than the observed one.