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. 2011 Nov 25;2(4):957–979. doi: 10.3390/genes2040957

Table 2.

SH test.


hrpRS hrpZ hrpC hrpU hrpJ hrpTOT b
Data(seq) hrpRS logL −8024.7 8317.7 8258.7 −8263.5 −8300.4 −8259.1
 ΔlogL BEST 292.9 −234.0 −238.7 −275.7 −234.3
 P value a - 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
hrpZ logL −20247.2 −18951.0 −18968.5 −18980.4 −18977.6 −18983.7
 ΔlogL −1296.2 BEST −17.5 −29.5 −26.7 −32.7
 P value a 0.000 - 0.539 0.382 0.408 0.371
hrpC logL −14691.8 −14011.4 −13904.6 −13935.3 −13926.7 −13917.5
 ΔlogL −787.1 −106.8 BEST −30.6 −22.0 −12.8
 P value a 0.000 0.053 - 0.383 0.476 0.654
hrpU logL −20969.1 20475.6 −20327.7 −20314.6 −20324.7 −20328.3
 ΔlogL −654.5 −161.0 −13.1 BEST −10.1 −13.7
 P value a 0.000 0.005 0.644 - 0.681 0.637
hrpJ logL −26050.1 −25554.7 −25361.1 −25387.2 −25354.8 −25363.5
 ΔlogL −695.3 −199.9 −6.3 −32.4 BEST −8.7
 P value a 0.000 0.003 0.824 0.408 - 0.755
hrpTOT b logL −121132.6 −117951.1 −117292.9 −117348.7 −117362.0 −117158.7
 ΔlogL −3973.9 −792.4 −134.2 −190.0 −203.3 BEST
 P value a 0.000 0.000 0.202 0.107 0.094 -

P-value identifies the probability that the data fits the tree. Bolded values indicate trees that fit the data significantly worse than the best tree given the data. Names of operons are not in italics to differentiate from gene names;


hrpTOT refers to the tree or the data obtained from the analysis of the entire TTSS cluster.