Figure 1.
Depressive symptom severity as a moderator of stressor-specific coping skills predicting depressive symptom reactivity
Note. High and low initial depressive symptoms were assessed by the PHQ. Coping skills were assessed by the WOR-S. For initial depressive symptoms, the MBDI values plotted are the predicted values for: (1) a PHQ score of 3.3 (i.e., the mean among those with PHQ scores < 10); and (2) a PHQ score of 14.8 (i.e., the mean among those with PHQ scores ≥ 10). For coping skills, the MBDI values plotted are those predicted for a WOR-S score one standard deviation above and below the mean. Post-stressor MBDI scores (adjusted for pre-stressor MBDI) indicate depressive symptom reactivity, where higher scores indicate greater reactivity.