FIG. 7.
Histological images showing bone osseointegration and newly formed bone tissue: BioSiC(HaCol) (a, d, g); BioSiC(HaCol)+PRP (b, e, h); and BioSiC(HaCol)+BMSCs (c, f, i). Toluidine Blue, Acid Fuchsin, and Fast Green staining. Magnification: (a–c), 1×; (d–f), 4×; (g–i), 20×. (a–c) Histological (sagittal) and microtomographic (longitudinal and coronal) images by Scanner Epson 2480 and Skyscan 1172 system (100 kV, 100 μA, 0.5 mm aluminum filter, software NRecon v., respectively. (d–f) Histological images of bone growth inside the bioactive HaCol core of the scaffold; (g–i) cortical bone contact to the biomorphic shell made of BioSIC. NB, new bone; OcB, old cortical bone (calcified bone stains a bright green); Sc, cortical-like scaffold; Ss, spongy-like part scaffold (blue or light brownish). Color images available online at