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. 2014 Feb 18;9(2):e88253. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088253

Table 4. Correlation analysis between the TCSQ and respectively COPE, Tinnitus loudness, Tinnitus distress, BDI, the different subscales of the TQ and the total score of the TQ.

TCSQ Coping behavior
maladaptive active passive
COPE scale
Active coping .18 .31** .07
Planning .20 −.08 .19
Suppression of competing activities .29** −.14 .15
Restraint coping .14 −.05 .21*
Seeking social support for instrumental reasons .14 −.08 .00
Seeking social support for emotional reasons .23* .03 .12
Positive reinterpretation & growth −.50*** .24* .00
Acceptance −.59*** .24* −.08
Turning to Religion .13 .20 −.07
Focus on & venting of emotions .54*** .01 .30**
Denial .17 .02 .02
Behavioral disengagement .40** −.03 .05
Mental disengagement .28** .33** .15
Alcohol-drug disengagement .07 .11 .03
Tinnitus loudness .38*** .01 .04
BDI .65*** .00 .21
distress (emotional) .59*** −.02 .21
distress (cognitive) .68*** −.05 .00
intruisiveness .66*** −.16 .01
perceptual difficulties .45*** −.15 −.05
sleep distubance .41*** .07 .05
somatic problems .46*** .12 .11
total .77*** −.05 .09


* p<.05;

** p<.01;

*** p<.001.