Table 5.
Proportion of contribution from each comparison group to the total frequency of performance of procedures and application of knowledge topics
Knowledge topics and procedures scales | OSa RRCb fellowship graduates % of frequency tally | PSc RRCb fellowship graduates % of frequency tally |
Osteoarthritis: knowledge | 67d | 33 |
Inflammatory arthritis: knowledge | 74d | 26 |
Contractures/spasticity/stiffness/weakness | 67d | 33 |
Fracture/dislocation/malunion/nonunion: metacarpal/phalangeale | 68d | 32 |
Fracture/dislocation/malunion/nonunion: distal radius/ulnae | 89d | 11 |
Fracture/dislocation/malunion/nonunion: forearme | 100d | 0 |
Infections: joint | 60d | 40 |
Essex-Lopresti injury | 100d | 0 |
IPf/MCPg joint derangement | 67d | 33 |
Ulnar nerve compression syndromese | 61d | 39 |
Median nerve compression syndromes | 63d | 38 |
Radial nerve compression syndromes | 71d | 29 |
Swanneck/boutonniere deformity | 60d | 40 |
Extensor synovitis | 69d | 31 |
Flexor synovitis | 67d | 33 |
Steroid injections: osteoarthritis | 83d | 17 |
Osteoarthritis: digitse | 61d | 39 |
Osteoarthritis: carpuse | 87d | 13 |
Osteoarthritis: radius/ulnae | 80d | 20 |
Osteoarthritis: ligament reconstruction/tendon interposition | 75d | 25 |
Synovectomy: inflammatory arthritise | 71d | 29 |
Dermofasciectomy/fasciectomy (Dupuytren) | 100d | 0 |
CRPPh/ORIFi/ex-fixj: carpal/distal radius and ulnae | 79d | 21 |
ORIFi: forearme | 100d | 0 |
Inter-carpal repair/carpal fusion/wrist athroscopye | 72d | 28 |
VBGk/fusion/denervation: avascular necrosise | 69d | 31 |
Primary open carpal tunnel release | 67d | 33 |
Redo open carpal tunnel release | 71d | 29 |
In situ ulnar nerve decompression | 83d | 17 |
Ulnar nerve transpositione | 67d | 33 |
Tendon conditions: trigger finger release/DeQuervain release/tenosynovectomy | 67d | 33 |
Tendon conditions: tendon transposition | 67d | 33 |
Biopsy/excision: soft tissue/nail bed tumors | 68d | 34 |
Compartment syndrome | 25 | 75l |
Congenital conditions | 31 | 69l |
Infections: bone | 40 | 60l |
Injections and extravasation | 33 | 67l |
Thumb/digit replant | 0 | 100l |
Collagenase injection (Dupuytren) | 23 | 77l |
Debridement: injection injuries | 33 | 67l |
Peripheral Nerve repair/reconstruction | 40 | 60l |
Soft tissue defect reconstruction (no free tissue transfer) | 29 | 71l |
Tendon conditions: tendon reconstruction | 40 | 60l |
Vascular repair/reconstruction | 20 | 80l |
Microsurgery | 32 | 68l |
For each scale, the median frequency for each group was obtained and then both frequencies tallied (representing 100 % of procedure/knowledge topic application for each scale). Subsequently, the proportion contributed by each group to the 100 % of each scale was calculated
aOrthopedic surgery
bResidency Review Committee
cPlastic surgery
dProcedures and knowledge topics in which graduates of orthopedic surgery RRC-accredited fellowships contributed ≥60 % of the totals reported
eProcedures and knowledge topics in which graduates of orthopedic surgery RRC-accredited fellowships reported significantly better exposure than graduates of orthopedic surgery RRC-accredited fellowships (Table 3) and also contributed ≥60 % of the totals reported (Table above)
hClosed reduction percutaneous pining
iOpen reduction internal fixation
jExternal fixation
kVascularized bone graft
lProcedures and knowledge topics in which graduates of plastic surgery RRC-accredited fellowships contributed ≥60 % of the totals reported