Figure 3. Foxo activation in aging intestines activates IMD/Rel signaling.
A) Expression of Foxo target genes Lip4 and InR in axenically and conventionally reared animals as determined by RNASeq (lines) and qRT-PCR (for InR, relative to actin5C, bars). Averages and standard deviations (N=3; ** p<0.01, Student’s Ttest).
B) X-Gal staining showing activation of thor-lacZ in aging intestines.
C) qRT-PCR detecting Rel and Dpt expression relative to actin5C in wild-type (OreR) or foxoW24 aged axenically. Averages and standard deviations (N>=3; p values from Student’s Ttest).
D) qRT-PCR detecting Dpt expression relative to actin5C in animals expressing FoxoRNAi using NP1∷Gal4 in w1118 (left) or y1w1 (right) backgrounds and aged conventionally. Averages and standard deviations (N>=3; p values from Student’s Ttest).
See also Figure S3.