Figure 3.
Results for paternal negativity Extended Children of Twins (ECOT) model. This figure is reduced from Figure 1 in order to more succinctly present results. Unstandardized path estimates and 95% confidence intervals [in brackets] are provided for each estimated path. Significant paths are emboldened. Model fit statistics are provided in the lower left. A1 represents latent genetic influences of parents on their parenting; E1 represents latent nonshared environmental influences of parents on their parenting. A2 represents latent genetic influences of adolescents on their externalizing problems; C2 represents latent shared environmental influences of adolescents on their externalizing problems; E2 represents latent nonshared environmental influences of adolescents on their externalizing problems. A1′ represents the effect of genes shared by parents and adolescents on adolescents’ externalizing problems. Path m represents direct environmental effects of parenting on adolescents’ externalizing problems while path n represents child evocative effects of adolescents’ externalizing problems on parenting. Path s represents the influence of shared genes of parents and adolescents; significant path s and path m signify passive gene-environment correlation (rGE) while significant path n and either A2 or s signifies evocative rGE. ε1 and ε2 are the measurement error, and constrained to be equal.