Expression of NGF in E-reeler retina. (a) Confocal microscopy showing images of GFP-expressing RBCs (green), NGF immunoreactivity (red), and nuclear staining (blue). As indicated by arrowheads, in the merge and NGF single staining, INL cells strongly immunoreacted with the NGF antibody. Some immunoreactivity was also observed in other structural and accessory cells (×400). (b) Representative 12% SDS-PAGE and relative densitometric analysis of E-control and E-reeler retinal extracts probed with the NGF antibody (OD values; P < 0.05). The size-marker was run between the two groups. Abbreviations: GCL, Ganglion Cell Layer; INL, Inner Nuclear Layer; RGCs, Retinal Ganglion Cells; RBCs, Rod Bipolar Cells; GFP, Green Fluorescent Protein; OD, Optical Density.