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. 2014 Jan 15;385(2):405–416. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2013.10.021

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

Neural crest-derived cells are found in cranial sensory ganglia and along cranial nerves (presumptive Schwann cells). (A) An E5 embryo immediately after DiI injection (t=0 dpi) into the presumptive rostral hindbrain. (B) At E10 (t=5 dpi), labeled neural crest cells are observed in optic, trigeminal and mandibular arch regions (arrowhead). (C) At E16 (t=11 dpi), DiI labeling is seen in the mmV ganglion (arrow) and on the lower lip/velum-innervating mmV nerve branch (V2/3B, arrowhead). Dotted lines indicate planes of section in (D)–(F). (D)–(F) In transverse sections immunostained for neurofilament (green), DiI (red) is observed in neural crest-derived cells (D) around the eye (white arrowhead) and on the upper lip-innervating mmV nerve branch (V2/3A, blue arrowhead); (E) in the mmV ganglion (white arrowhead) and on the lower lip/velum-innervating mmV nerve branch (V2/3B, blue arrowhead). (F) As expected, DiI labeling is also observed within the neural crest-derived branchial arch basket (yellow arrowhead). (G) An E6.5 embryo one day after DiI injection (t=1 dpi) at late E5 into the dorsal neural tube in the vagal region. (H) The same embryo as in G at E9 (t=3 dpi). DiI-labeled neural crest cells are observed migrating ventrally (arrowhead). (I) The same embryo at E15 (t=9 dpi), showing DiI-labeled neural crest cells (arrowhead) dorsal to the branchial arches. (J)–(L) At E19 (t=13 dpi), immunostaining on transverse sections through the nodose ganglia for the neuronal marker HuC/D (green), counterstained with DAPI (blue), revealed DiI-positive cells (red) in the nodose ganglia [(J), lower-power view; (K) and (L), higher-power views]. Abbreviations: ba, branchial arch basket; dpi, days post-injection; mmV, maxillomandibular trigeminal ganglion; nt, neural tube; t, time; V2/3A, upper lip-innervating mmV nerve branch; V2/3B, lower lip/velum-innervating mmV nerve branch. Scale bars: (A)–(C), (G)–(I) 0.2 mm; (D)–(F) and (J) 50 μm; (K) and (L) 10 μm.