Figure 1.
(A) Comparison of numbers of primordial, primary, and secondary follicles for monkeys in the following age categories: 6 d to 9 y (n = 4), 10 to 19 y (n = 4), and 20 to 27 y (n = 4). Only the number of primordial follicles differed significantly by age (overall P = 0.02), with significantly greater numbers of primordial follicles in the youngest group compared with the oldest group (a compared with b, P = 0.03). Data are presented as mean ± SE of follicles counted per ovary. Monkey 1245 is excluded from this data set. (B) Association of mean primordial follicle number per monkey with monkey age (years; n = 13). Data are presented as square root (SQRT) of mean primordial follicle number correlated with age (years).