Figure 2. CP55940 does not alter spike train dynamics of neurons or groups of neurons.
(A) Normalized spike spectrum (power ratio) of individual neurons before (black) and after (green) cannabinoid administration, across 24 cells in 5 animals. (B) Difference in power ratio (CP55940-control) for all cells (gray), mean shown in blue. (C) Coherence between 18 pairs of neurons before (black) and after (green) cannabinoid administration in 5 animals. (D) Difference in coherence, as in B. (E) Spike-LFP coherence for 12 spike-LFP pairs in 2 animals before (black) and after (green) cannabinoid administration. (F) Difference in spike-LFP coherence, as in D. None of the differences in B, D, or F were significant at p<0.05.