Figure 3.
Left panel depicts representative histological images of isolated rhesus macaque primordial follicles after encapsulation in alignate at Day 0 (A and B), cultured for 6 days without encapsulation (C and D), or cultured for 6 days while encapsulated in 0.5% (E and F) or 2% (G and H) alginate. Scale bar = 50 μm; asterisks denote oocytes. From reference (42) Right panel represents morphology and histology of isolated human primordial follicles encapsulated in alginate before in vitro culture (A), after 7 days in vitro (B), a cryopreserved follicle after 7 days in vitro (C), and a follicle isolated from cryopreserved-thawed ovarian cortex after 7 days in culture (D). Images are at 40X magnification. Semi-thin sections of a cryopreserved isolated follicle (E, 1000X) and a follicle isolated from frozen-thawed ovarian cortex (F, 400X) after 7 days of culture encapsulated in alginate. From reference (53).