Figure 5. Renin cells in the spleen represent both marginal zone and follicular B cells.
(a) Fluorescence images of spleens from Ren1dcre/+;mT/mG mice. GFP+ cells (renin-lineage) localize to the follicles of the spleen and largely co-localize with IgM. Scale bar, 200 μm (top row), 100 μm (middle row) and 50 μm (bottom row). (b) Flow cytometry on splenocytes from Ren1dcre/+;mT/mG mice demonstrating that renin-lineage cells (GFP+) express cell surface antigens consistent with both marginal zone (CD21HiCD23−) and follicular (CD21IntCD23+) B cells (gates are on B220+ cells). (c) Flow cytometry on spleen cells from Ren1dcre/+;mT/mG mice confirming that renin-lineage cells (GFP+) express cell surface antigens consistent with both marginal zone (IgMHiIgDLo) and follicular (IgMLoIgDHi) B cells (gates are on B220+ cells).